Keep track of the places where you have important items.
At home, at work, online, and on your phone — all are places* where you keep critical documents, infromation, and valuables. Make sure you remember where you have these items and that trusted family members know where to find them if something happens to you.
Identify where you keep physical items.
Prisidio helps you identify where your physical items are stored. The original, wet-signed and notarized copy of your will may be in a safe in your closet. A boat you own may be kept at a friend’s summer home. You may have cash or jewelry stored in a safe deposit box that no one knows you have. It’s not just identifying what you have but where you have it.

Add the digital places where you have information.
From online accounts, portals, and apps, to cloud storage sites and hard drives for documents, photos, and more, we have so many digital places where we keep personal information. It can be difficult to keep track of them all. Use Prisidio to catalog all the digital places that you or someone else may need to know about or access someday.
Document your home with photos and videos.
Hopefully you’ll never have to file a claim for your home, but if you do it’s important to have documentation supporting the state of your property. With Prisidio, you can easily grab a photo of every room in your house or a video of every floor. Then if you need to file a claim, you have the documentation you need to support it. And don’t forget to set a reminder on your property to update these photos and videos every six months.

Link your documents and things to places.
Prisidio helps you connect the dots between items in your digital vault and where they’re located. It’s one thing to add a digital copy of your will to Prisidio and identify that you have a safe deposit box as a place, but in one click you can connect the two. Then when someone looks at the will, they see where it's located. And when they look at the safe deposit box, they can see what’s in it.
Share your places with vault members.
Help your spouse or partner, family members, and trusted advisors know the digital and physical locations of the electronic documents and valuables you’ve identified in your vault by sharing access to these items. With Prisidio, you decide who to invite into your vault and exactly which items they can see.

Get the vital access and security life demands.
Be more prepared and organized for your expected and unexpected life events with Prisidio. Your digital vault. For life.™
*Patent Pending